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Forget that!

Your memories were created and stored and remembered by you...

You took in what you needed to take in and recall what you believe you need to recall..

In neuroscience we study ‘forgetting’ with a view to understanding how best to forget things..

Sometimes you need to inhibit and stop yourself doing certain behaviours that are harmful to you... ‘thinking’ is a behaviour... and some thinking isn’t helpful to you...

Too often do I hear people speak about their own thinking as if it’s being done ‘to’ them by their brain as if it’s not their brain and they have no influence over what goes into it or what comes out of it... #passively living this way doesn’t seem to be a good thing..

If your mind isn’t yours, then whose is it?

In marketing meetings, the more intelligent beings understand that with a few minor tweaks to communication, the mass consumer mindset belongs to corporations and governments that know that people prefer to be controlled rather than to own their actions, thoughts, behaviours... and that’s ok too

But for some, it’s about time you re framed certain things and changed what they future looks like, for you, and anyone you might love... whether that’s your pet cat or several humans..

Happy Father’s Day

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