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Getting nervous before a talk or presentation..

When I coach people with public speaking anxiety, they often report that they feel nervous about getting on a stage...

Man, I gotta tell you, before every single performance, or talk, or workshop, I get those very same vibrations in me too!

The difference is, the content of my thoughts as I recognise the emotions as my body getting ready to fight, flight, freeze or flow...

If you've practised BEING in this state, long before the performance or whatever... then you usually start to learn how to manage that vibration, so that it can be channelled into mentally rehearsing useful things, like how you're going to walk, talk or do that funny joke you've always wanted to tell...

If I DON'T feel those nerves... I assume I'm not ready and/or don't care about what I'm going to do... and I never wish to reach that level of non-caringness when giving talks..

So, nerves, is normal and it's fine.. it's how you manage the vibes.. you are the vibes.. the vibes is you..

Take those vibes and channel it into your talk... everyone else will feel it... whether you're communicating with 15 people or 15,000... it's all the same.. [

the Darren Shaw, in full vibsing flow

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